After training in the CAF for a number of years, I moved to North Carolina for a work opportunity and Kawahara Sensei asked me to study with a USAF dojo. I have now been a student of Steve Kaufmann at Open Sky Aikikai since 2004. I wrote a piece on my blog about Kawahara Sensei, and Kaufman Sensei has encouraged me submit this for others to see. It begins as follows:
Yukio Kawahara Shihan, 8th dan, the technical director of the Canadian Aikido Federation, a direct student of O Sensei and a very gifted, very generous and gracious man, passed away late on June 2nd. According to the shidoin who phoned me, he was surrounded by his students.
I’ve tried to blog about Sensei several times, and I always end up deleting the entry. He was a private man by choice and never sought the limelight. He was also careful about his legacy and cautious about what he taught to whom. He was a strong advocate of practice, and I think he considered our practice more important than any ceremony directed at himself.
To continue reading the blog post, click here
John Hillson
Open Sky Aikikai