The changing seasons always bring so many changes in life as well. With the start of spring, I have just returned from the annual Yudansha seminar at the Midwest Aikido Center. It is always such a well-organized and hospitable seminar. The students at MAC work so hard together, and they are a great example for us all to learn from. Then, the new season has also brought some sad changes. I went this last weekend to British Columbia to visit Kawahara Sensei, who is not well. He called me and I knew I should go to visit him. Seeing him reminds me about how we should appreciate life, and makes me remember the other losses I have experienced over the last year. But returning to NY, to my dojo, is always great for me regardless of where I’ve been. And now that spring has arrived in NY and everyone is walking around with a bright smile, it makes me look forward to beautiful days ahead.
In a few short weeks when the season changes from spring to summer, we will be that much closer to Summer Camp. I hope to see you on the mat!