Summer Camp of 2014 is over and it was an exceptionally successful camp.
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the Summer Camp organizers, the wonderful ladies and staff at the reception desk and the many other invisible efforts that were made by so many members. I’d also like say thank you for the big donation that was made to New York Aikikai from so many individuals and dojos. I didn’t know it was going on and it was a great surprise.
So far this year I received so many warm congratulations everywhere I went. All I can say is that I’m the luckiest guy surrounded by so many wonderful people. You are my treasure.
I was also given so many gifts from many people, and meaningful letters from the Chicago City Mayor, New York City Mayor, and the Vice Prime Minister of Russia, but to me, the most wonderful gifts were the big hugs from so many ladies who are normally very tough on the mat. I promise you that I’ll continue to do my best to work for you.
Y. Yamada